NEIL SPENCER Yoga, Meditation; Tai Chi & Qigong
Where the ethereal meets the tangible.
Neil Spencer Yoga dives deeper into subtle energy by adding Meditation; & the ancient healing arts of Tai Chi and Qigong — to your Yoga practice.
By adding the soft, circular, meditative movements of Tai Chi and Qigong to your Yoga practice - you will embark on a subtle energetic journey of self-discovery, care, and transformation amidst the clouds.
A global community of Prana/Qi subtle energy enthusiasts.
Neil Spencer Yoga, (Meditation, Tai Chi and Qigong)
“Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”
Neil Spencer Yoga
In Tibetan, Shangri-La "སེམས་ཀྱི་ཉི་ཟླ།" means, “The sun and moon in one’s heart.”
Shangri-La, is an Earthly paradise, a mystical, happy land isolated from the world of suffering. When our energies are balanced in our hearts, we find Shangri-La everywhere. When our energy is imbalanced, Shangri-La stays a mythical land.
Yoga is a strong, linear practice. We learn to hold lines of energy through the structure and alignment of the poses. Tai chi and qigong are soft, gentle, circular moving meditation arts; where we learn to blend one movement into the next in a graceful, flowing manner.
Over time the circular movements begin to round the edges of our linear practice — allowing it to be smooth, controlled, graceful, and energetic.
By working on the subtle energetic aspect of our Yoga and meditation practices; and training in the circular movements of tai chi and qigong — we begin to experience the Earthly paradise of Shangri-La everywhere we go.
Yoga is known as a union of mind, body and breath. The union of the awareness of our mental, emotional, and physical states.
A year after starting my Yoga journey, I began training in the martial arts of Tai Chi and Qigong.
Yoga is also a union with other movement practices.
Tai Chi and Qigong are practiced on a subtler level of energy, and are very complimentary practices to Yoga.
The union of these eastern arts is something very special, and has to be trained to get the full experience.
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